Oleg Correa

Think - Thinking - Thought

Blog #2: Top 300 Tools for Learning

When looking at the top 300 tools, right of the bat I can see that I have interacted with at least 80 from the first list of a 100. Of the top the three favorite ones I would like to outline are Canva, Slack, and Kahoot. It is very interesting that all three of these tools are ranked in the top 20 (Hart, 2021). Additionally to some extent these tolls may be able to be use simultaneously for a greater learning experience.


Starting with Canva. I have used this program for every single course the past term mainly for infographics and semi interactive presentations. Additionally I have used this tool for graphics design when making a new menu for a restaurant I am working at. This tool is very helpful for creating infographics as well as posters for presentation. It gives users a lot of flexibility with their creative process as well as presenting options. However, to use the tool to the full potential one must subscribe for full service with monthly payment allowing for a deeper use of the tool.


Secondly is Slack. A great system for collaboration and team work. This tool is great as it allows several different workspaces attached to different user emails linking them into one. Additionally within each workspace users have access to channels and that can be restricted depending on who you are collaborating with. As many communication tools you are able to set a time frame to when to send the messages/assign tasks. Finally one of the biggest pluses of Slack is the tools interoperability of sharing documents (Google Docs, PDFs, Power Points, Excel, etc…). As seen again this where the tools to are able to work together to further improve the learning process.


Final tool I really enjoy for learning process is Kahoot. As I am sure many of you have used this tool in one way or another. When properly developed a Kahoot game could be a very in depth experience with several question types. What makes this games so interacting and fun for individuals? According to the article by Wang (2021) Kahoot boots participation, engagement and motivation. Additionally it improves student attitude and lowers test/quiz anxiety. By having a reward system with no re-precautions it increases student participation and pushes them to strive for better results. To provide a small example of a Kahoot games the link is available for a small little test run :)!


Hart , J. (2021, September 1). Top 300 Tools for Learning 2021. Retrieved May 29, 2022, from https://www.toptools4learning.com/

Wang, A. I. (2020, July 1). Dozens of studies show learning benefits of using Kahoot! Kahoot! Retrieved May 29, 2022, from https://kahoot.com/blog/2020/07/01/dozens-of-studies-show-learning-benefits-of-kahoot/

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