Oleg Correa

Think - Thinking - Thought

Week 5: Reply to Gracen

Hello Gracen

What a great post this week. It is really interesting how the smallest details can make a resource count as universal learning. It was great to see you incorporate so many ideas in your personal teaching techniques. As well as in the example you created describing the the 10 steps of your process. I believe this resource in it self is a great UDL practice. It is also really nice to see incorporation of simple tools like google maps to create such fun and interactive activities available for most. Not only does this include the use of UDL but Gamification learning as well. I once did a similar activity as an ice breaker on my co-op where I provided a website with all different native territories around the world, and asked everyone to an introduction based on the land they are currently on right now. If you would like to check this website out here is the link. It does take some getting used to as a lot of territories cross over and align with other areas. Thank you for this weeks blog, very creative and fun to read.


Dickey, M, G. (May, 2022). Week 5. Gracen Monet Dickey. Retrieved June 20, 2022, from https://gracenmonet.opened.ca/blog-5/

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