Oleg Correa

Think - Thinking - Thought

Week 6: Reply to Hailey

Hello Hailey

I really enjoyed reading this weeks blog. Especially about how although choosing the right technology is important, the goal of the lessons outweighs required technology. This happens so often where a teacher or company is required to use technology because it is supposedly the best for the job, however it ruins steps that lead to the end goal. A good example of that is the application called SmartSheets used on my old co-op. Application was supposed to allow for us to make a living doc that our workers could fill out whenever a task was done. This means we did not have to directly check in, saving us lots of time. However as this process was undemandingly complicated most employees would fill things out wrong/unclear with no fault at their own. This caused a need to contact to clear up what they have input. This just shows that although some technology can simplify and improve the task, it may also remove some crucial steps that create the appropriate learning environment. Additionally it was really nice to see how your blog compared all three models. I believe it added a nice conclusion to help people to understand which models fits best for their teachings methods.


Steele, H. (May, 2022). How do we evaluate multimedia and multimedia tools? – Mademoiselle H’s Education Journey. Mademoiselle H’s Education Journey – My Experience in the Elementary Education Program at UVic. Retrieved June 21, 2022. from https://mllehedu.opened.ca/2022/06/18/blog-post-6-how-do-we-evaluate-multimedia-and-multimedia-tools/

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