Oleg Correa

Think - Thinking - Thought

Blog #3: Learning Design II

Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a method of learning that focuses on splitting a group of people into smaller groups to accomplish the same task. Cooperative learning tends to provide the learners with a an experience closely simulating real life problems (Rigacci, 2022). This also allows to learners to improve their communication skills within their group work. There are four main skills that an individual may gain from this learning strategy. First is personal independence, allowing for learners to have a freedom of choice on how to accomplish the overall task and the sub parts of said task (Rigacci, 2022). Second is accountability. By having set delaines not only by the teacher but group members as well develops accountability to ensure you are not bringing the group down (Rigacci, 2022). Third is participation as every learner is required to put and be responsible for equal amount of tasks and effort (Rigacci, 2022). Lastly we have interactions (Rigacci, 2022). This skill encourages group members and discuss what is done best for them as a team, while the instructor has to only reply back to the team once. Creating more time for question from learners rather than explanation from instructor.

Although this is a great way to teach a class, for example how this course is taught. Unfortunately it does not apply to our resource. Although group interactions are encouraged to better understand the material, the main task focus on completing activities individually as we want to scale knowledge before and after interaction with the learning resource. In a cooperative setting, members could be brining the average significantly higher or lower depending on the overall group knowledge and effort.


Rigacci, A. (2022, January 27). What is cooperative learning? 5 strategies for your classroom. Europass Teacher Academy. Retrieved June 19, 2022, from https://www.teacheracademy.eu/blog/cooperative-learning-strategies/#:~:text=Cooperative%20Learning%20is%20an%20instructional,the%20guidance%20of%20the%20teacher.

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