Oleg Correa

Think - Thinking - Thought

Blog #6: Multimedia Evaluation

Relate how videos poorly made or with unpolished elements may effect viewers

For starters there are many viewing platforms where video’s can be made/live streamed. As someone who occasionally dabbles in crating live stream content there are several that can negatively effect the viewers from production alone.

First lets us begin with sound. Unlike the visual aspect sound is something that can irritate something deep inside a person. Low quality sounds that is static, explosive, cuts in and out, and down right lowed will make the viewer quite the video long before the video quality takes affect. It is crucial that the sound quality is average at worst, and voice clips are recorded separately from the video. This will create a clear intonation when synced accordingly to the video.

Second is video. As stated above it lesser of the two controlling factors but still requires attention. Obviously if the internet speed or camera quality makes the content impossible to see, some rethinking needs to be done. However, where most viewers lose interest is when video is completely un edited. Understandably in a lecture most of material is important, but a tangent that has been unnecessarily kept may lose a viewers interest. Similarly if too much is cut it loses the sense of continuity.

Finally the content. The thing that makes in person lectures interesting is the feeling of passion. Which can easily be lost through a screen/camera. To maintain, make sure there are interactive elements to the video and not just words. Allow for pauses and breaks in sentences. It is crucial for the viewer to feel as if there is direct interaction rather than a blank expression with words. Make sure content is ready to be presented but not read directly of the script.

As a reference I would like to share this video for you about streaming. It dives deep into how content should be created, as well crucial factors to avoid. This is very good summary into how media content can evolve with the tools and technique alone, without changing up the core content or idea of the what is being demonstrated.

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